Elementary » Grade 8 Transition

Grade 8 Transition

Grade 8 Update: Friday Sept. 8th, 2023

Hello families of grade 8 students,


Grade 8s have made a good start to the school year and we wanted to send out an update to families.


In Science and Math, we have been establishing our class routines. We've done some math review on rounding numbers and we have been learning to use microscopes to look at cells. In Humanities 8, students have been learning about the First People's Principles of Learning, journalling, and oral speaking. Students have also been reviewing sentence structure. Students have also been visiting the library.


Our grade 8s have been doing a good job coming prepared to class. Students should be bringing their binder, pencils, pens, dividers, water bottle, lined paper and calculator to class each day. Grade 8s all have lockers and can keep their supplies at school in their lockers.


On Tuesday, September 19 to Wednesday, September 20 we are planning to take the Grade 8 students on an overnight trip to Camp Boyle near Summerland. Camp Boyle is a Scout camp with basic cabins, running water, camping, trails, and a kitchen area. We are planning to stay overnight and do some team building activities with the group. Permission slips will be coming home early next week. 


On Thursday, September 14 we will be having a Back to School Barbeque at SESS. Families are invited. There will be food provided. We will have a Grade 8 Parent Meeting at the Back to School Barbeque.



Mr. Adam and Mr. Schlackl